These are my custom markers. The pistol is a Sheridan PGP with a modified triggerframe and wood grips. The riffle is
a spyder compac with a custom wood stock that I made, and a barrel extension sound supressor.
Spyder Pictures
I just added a bottomline feed and a scope to my spyder.
And you should always rember to beware of rhe bushpeople.
This is a close up of the shaved sight rail. It has been shaved and offset to mount at a 45 degree angle. I also shaved
the original rail screw to clear the bolt chamber.
This is my new spyder. It has an 18" J&J ceramic barel, a spyder extra trigger frame (I didn't like the E-trigger),
a motified sight rail, and a powerline 3-9 x 32 scope that is sighted in at 500 ft.
Everyone loves a spyder, this is my friend Sarah Gruner, her boyfriend got
her a spyder for her birthday. She then went outside and "painted" his explorer.
photos of my ghillie and tac gear comming soon